Halloween Jobs
Raise your hand if you love Halloween!
Raise your hand if you love Halloween!
Raise your hand if you love money!
If you raised your hand twice, then this post is for you.
(Ok, did anyone literally raise their hands there? I need to know.)
With all the candy, and costumes, and parties, Halloween can be a rather money draining holiday, can't it? But it doesn't have to that way!
Take advantage of this spooooky time of year and put money back into your wallet with a Halloween side job.
▲Make and Sell Halloween Crafts
Are you handy with a hot glue gun
▲Get a Temp Job at a Popup Halloween Shop
Seasonal stores like Spirit Halloween Shop are going to be in need of help so drop on by one and fill out an application as soon as you see the stores setting up. Many craft and party supply stores are going to need a little extra seasonal help as well so check those places too! You might even get an employee discount so you can stock up on your own cool Halloween duds and decor
▲Get Hired at a Haunted House
Get paid to scare the pants off of people? Fun! Looking for something a less scary? Some haunted houses aren't just in need of zombies
▲Write a Halloween or Horror Ebook
Halloween is this perfect time of year for a reading a good spine chiller
▲Face Painting at Halloween Festivals
A fall festival without a face painter is like a caramel apple without a stick. It just ain't right. Check social media and newspapers for upcoming Halloween events and contact the event's director to see if you can set up a face painting booth. Borrow or buy a popup canopy
▲Be a Vendor at a Festival.
Your town probably hosts a public fall festival and they're probably going to be looking for vendors
▲Enter Contests that Pay Cash Prizes
Many bars have costume contests on Halloween and they offer cash prizes. These might be pretty easy to win if you're creative and stay away from drugstore costumes to avoid showing up in what everyone else is wearing. You should also check online for costume contests that will take photo submissions. And don't forget to look into local and online pumpkin carving
Check out 6 Costume Contests With Cash Prizes from The Penny Hoarder
If you're a photographer, promote yourself heavily and offer to do staged or impromptu photoshoots of people in their costumes. Many people spend a lot of time working on their costumes that are only going to be worn for a few hours and they'll only have a few phone pics to look back on. I'm sure they'd love to see their creativity and hard work featured in good quality photography. Offer to do awesome shoots with smoke bombs
Sometimes, mommies and daddies like to have Halloween fun... without the kids. Halloween events can start as early as the last weekend in September so post on social media as soon as you can that you're for hire. You might even get a bonus if you offer to take the kids trick-or-treating as well!
Do you know of any more great Halloween side hustles?
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