100 Funny & Random Questions to Ask Your Husband.
These funny questions are great for newlyweds, date night, long road trips or when you're just plain bored.
You can ask your husband these questions and give your answer as well or take turns asking each other questions. Feel free to only pick out your faves or do half now and half later. There's no wrong way to do it!
So sit down with your sweetie, have a glass of wine (um, not if you're driving though) and have fun strengthening your relationship with conversation and laughter.
So sit down with your sweetie, have a glass of wine (um, not if you're driving though) and have fun strengthening your relationship with conversation and laughter.
If you were in a witness protection program, what would be your new name and where would you go?
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
What famous artist
What's the dumbest thing you've ever cried about?
If you could rid the world of one disease what would it be?
If you could get away with a crime, would you? If yes, what would it be?
Who was your first celebrity crush?
What's the worst thing you ever did as a child and what was your punishment?
What is one thing you refuse to share?
What are two things you would do if you woke up to find yourself completely invisible?
Describe the worst haircut you’ve ever had.
If you were offered the position of mayor of your city, would you take it?
Have you ever pooped your pants? (not including when you were a baby)
If you could have one superpower
If you could be on the cover of any magazine which one would you choose?
What's the worst job you've ever had?
If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?
What country would you never want to visit?
What scene from a non-horror movie scared you as a child?
What kind of phone was your first cell phone?
What's the wildest thing you've ever done in a hotel room?
Which would be harder for you to give up: coffee or alcohol?
On a scale from 1-10 what's the highest level of pain you've ever been in?
If you could start a collection of one kind of item, what would it be?
Who is the most famous person you have ever met?
What fashion trend do you wish would go away?
You're in prison with a life sentence. What was your crime?
If you inherited or won a million dollars, what's the very first thing you would do with the money?
What would you do if you were the only survivor of a plane crash?
What one toy do you wish never existed?
What is one thing women do that grosses you out? And men?
What's your favorite viral YouTube video?
If it were possible, would you live on the moon?
Who would you hate to see naked?
If you could got back in time, what year would you visit?
Would you let me slap you for $50?
What famous historical figure would like to fight?
What's your least favorite fast food restaurant?
If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?
Would you dress in drag for $100?
What do you think phones will be like in 10 years?
What bad habit do you have that you know you need to break, but don't really want to?
If you were president for the day, what one thing would you change about the country?
How would you describe yourself in three words?
If money were no object, where in the world would you choose to live?
Describe your own personal heaven.
If you could deliver a speech
Have you ever chased down an ice cream truck as an adult?
What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?
If you had to choose to live without one of your five senses
Have you ever saved someone's life?
Has anyone ever saved your life?
If you found out you were the direct descendant of a king or queen, would that boost your self esteem or have no affect on you at all?
If you inherited a single room off-the-grid
If you could choose your age forever, what age would you choose and why?
Have you ever been scared enough to wet your pants?
If you could kill off any character from a current television show, who would it be?
Would you go streaking across a football field during a game for a million dollars knowing there's a 50/50 chance you'll get arrested for indecent exposure?
What was your first CD and when did you get it?
What is something you are currently obsessed with?
If a theme song
What insect do you wish would completely go extinct?
What is your guilty pleasure?
Would you like to live to be 200 years old?
Would you rather be a judge or a lawyer?
If you had to spend the rest of your life as a tree what kind of tree would you be?
If you were in the circus what kind of performer would you be? (Clown, tight-rope walker, etc)
Have you thrown up in a car?
Do you think all dogs go to heaven?
If you could go on a cross country road trip with a famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?
Would you become a professional bank robber
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Do you have any fun questions you would add to the list?
Share them in a comment below!
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Hey! Before you head out I think you should check this out!
This ol' bohemian mama is a sucker for a good romance novel and whenever I read one I always imagine myself as the heroine and my husband as my hunky romantic love interest.

With YourNovel.com you and your love will take on the starring roles as hero/heroine in a customized adventure romance novel or eBook. Settings offer something for everyone including beaches, cruises, exotic, vampires, detectives, historical and more in your choice of "wild" or "mild" steaminess. Click the banner above for more info.

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Hey! Before you head out I think you should check this out!
This ol' bohemian mama is a sucker for a good romance novel and whenever I read one I always imagine myself as the heroine and my husband as my hunky romantic love interest.

With YourNovel.com you and your love will take on the starring roles as hero/heroine in a customized adventure romance novel or eBook. Settings offer something for everyone including beaches, cruises, exotic, vampires, detectives, historical and more in your choice of "wild" or "mild" steaminess. Click the banner above for more info.

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