10 Ridiculously Awesome Burgers You MUST Make Right Now! {hamburger recipes}

10 awesome hamburger recipes. Unique hamburgers. Hamburger recipes. Gourmet hamburgers. Ultimate burger recipe. Weird hamburgers. Unusual hamburgers. Burgers with Unusual Toppings. Unique Burger Recipes & Toppings. Specialty burgers.

Best homemade hamburger recipe

What's a burger? A meat patty, two buns, some veggies and maybe some cheese and bacon, right? Well, sure but that's pretty boring compared to these ten ridiculously awesome burgers I found on the interwebs today. Dig it... AND BEHOLDETH!

Chorizo, avocado and eggs. Heck yes. Count me in.


Meatless, healthy and oh-so sexy.


Well, aren't you a naughty burger...


Wait, what? Am I dreaming?!?!


Well, ALOHA to you too, you gorgeous burger you.


This. This right here.


It's kind of hard to sneer at a turkey burger when it looks this dang glorious.


Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it.


I just... I can't even right now.


Oooh, I just wanna rub this all over my face!

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Which burger do you want to devour right now??

10 awesome hamburger recipes. Unique hamburgers. Hamburger recipes. Gourmet hamburgers. Ultimate burger recipe. Weird hamburgers. Unusual hamburgers. Burgers with Unusual Toppings. Unique Burger Recipes & Toppings. Specialty burgers.
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